Monday, February 23, 2009

What Kind of Essay?

Bryson Vann
Dr. Benton
What Kind of Essay is This?
I would say that my personal essay has a conversational element to it (#1). Most of the time, recalling this story for me has been through conversation, so I feel like it kind of came out that way. I also feel like it falls under the second category (Honesty, Confession, and Privacy) in that I did reveal personal details about my private life, even though they were public record for a while. It could fit the fourth description of an essay (The Role of Contrariety) in that some readers might disagree with what I talked about, thinking it was irresponsible rather than unfortunate. Number six as well (Cheek and Irony) because I tried to give a comical rather than dramatic description of the way things played out. I would say number eight (The Past, the Local, and the Melancholy) especially. My personal essay was centered on a past reflection that was local too. I can say that it did effect me as person as well, dramatically at the time.

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